The Amazona Collection

In Greek mythology the Amazons were women fighters, and it is believed that they cut off one breast to improve their archery skills. An Amazon is called “ΑμαζÏŒνα” (Amazóna) in Greek and they were known for their courage and pride. The Amazona Project aims to bring out the strength in all of you, my Cultakas.

The Amazona project aims to empower women.
It takes a lot of personal work and courage to manage to stand on our feet.
But do not forget, my beautiful Cultakas, that it takes a village to make a difference.
So, we are here to support each other and help this community grow together.

And while a lot has been discussed the past few years about the exposure of the female breasts and nipples, Cult.aka is launching the Amazona project to open a discussion about the meaning and the value of the human body. With or without breasts or nipples we all need to worship our bodies and accept others’.